Tuesday, April 27, 2010

In a mirror...

Today was a day of reflection. We didn't actually do that much. A 9am start meant we could sleep a little later than usual. On the bus we had a summation of the Galilee leg of the trip, the good the bad and the dodgy.

Since this is a CMJ tour we stopped the bus at Beit Bracha which means House of Blessing. It is a retreat center and guesthouse run by CMJ as an outreach to the local community. They are situated in Migdal the town from which Mary Magdelene came from. The guesthouse is self sufficient and thus does not depend on outside funding to operate. If you remember from the first day in Jaffa we went to Beit Immanuel. This place is similar.

From there we took the drive up to Mt Arbel. This mount is famous or should I say infamous because many Zealots were thrown off the cliff here by the Romans. This part of the blog I am actually writing from the summit. From here one gets a good view over the whole Galilee area and is an appropriate place to sit and think over this part of the tour.

One amazing featur of the device I have in my hands is that with the map program and all the places I have geotagged over the trip so far I can immediately establish where everything is in relation to where I am now. From where I sit I can see Zefat in front of me with Migdal below. My biggest problem at this moment are the flies and the miggies. Small little blighters but very irritating.

From here it is on to Tiberius. More on that when I get there.

So here we are in Tiberius.

Since we only get just over an hour it is little more than a lunch stop. Had some of the obligatory MacDonalds which has become a tradition for me. When you do something once it's revolutionary, when you do it the second time it's tradition. Or so the rabbinic sages say. Big Mac meal. Costs R60 but it was worth it!

Took a short walk through town. A lot of high fasion shops, the odd appliance shop and one or two toy stores. Not much else where I was walking anyway. Saw a cool little shop. Full of radio controlled devices. Almost bought one. But since I dare not take it through customs I decided against it. Maybe when I get back. I sit here at the meeting point waiting for the others to arrive and it hits me again that this tour is fast coming to a close. Not long from now we will be on our way back to South Africa. Tonight is packing night. It has been good to stay at one hotel for so long even if Galilee got a bit much at times. Next stop Mount Zion hotel!

How I am looking forward to Jerusalem.

As I type we are on our way back to the hotel. If all goes according to plan I will finish yesterdays blog before bed tonight and then I will finally be up to date. Then God willing you can get the blow by blow account of Jerusalem!

Tomorrow is the Biblical garden place which should be interesting!

And with this entry I am finally up to date! Yay! So tomorrow evening God willing you will learn what I did yesterday!

Good night from Ramot Resort Hotel in Galilee Israel!

-- Post From My iPhone

1 comment:

Terri said...

Hi Rob
It is fascinating to read all about your adventures.
Look forward to hearing about Jerusalem!
Wish I could have tasted your desert wine!
Thinking of you