Monday, April 12, 2010

A bad start

So here I am on the plane on my way to Israel. So why am I upset? Well first of all my flash that I spent R3000 for is not here. It's still in Johannesburg. Why? Because I was robbed. Typical Gauteng you say. No not typical. It was taken by Israeli security. Oh they promised to return it. Well honestly I will believe it when I see it. It seems that the laws of a country mean nothing. Anyone with some supposed authority can break the law with impunity. Why didn't I fight it? Well these guys have the ability to stop me from flying at all and in doing so might have cost me 10 times the price of the flash since then I wouldn't even be able to go to Israel. They say I will get it on Friday trouble is that on Friday I will be in Egypt. I bought the flash for use in Israel. There is NOTHING harmful in a flash. Nothing. But no they have to check it more. For what. I love Israel. I pray for their peace. I have great respect for the Jewish people. I hate the way they have been treated through the centuries. I would never do anything to harm them. Heck I am going to be spending a lot of money there and already have. So why would they take my stuff. Should I trust them? Why? They certainly don't trust me!

Yes they need to protect themselves. Yes there are those who hate them! I AM NOT ONE OF THEM!

Will the tour improve from here on out? I hope so. Will I get my stuff back? I hope so. But this incident had certainly left a very sour taste in my mouth. Will I fly El-Al again? Probably not. If that means I never visit Israel again, so be it.

No pictures at the moment. Don't want to provoke an incedent and lose my phone as well.

More tomorrow!

PS: The phone is in airplane mode (no cell, wifi or gps signals). Will upload at the hotel tonight.

-- Post From My iPhone

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Rob, Sorry to hear that you had such a bad experience, hope things improve from here on - any chance of getting another flash in Israel?I know it is expensive, but maybe it will be worth it to get good pics - Love you son, have a blessed day/holiday- Mom/Pam