Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bunny Donkey

We went to the upper Golan Heights. The finger of Galilee. Or the panhandle of Galilee. Interesting factoid. The hotel we are currently in is actually on the bottom end of the Golan Heights. So were it not for the Six Day War I might be in trouble.

We had a long bus drive as we were traveling to the upper part of Israel. In fact in one place we were within a literal stones throw from the armistace line. We took a walk in the Tel Dan nature reserve.

The water was flowing much stronger than the last time I was there. Very beautiful. The story we heard was not. The tribe of Dan didn't like their alotment and killed a whole bunch of people to get the land where we were. There was much idolatry there and it got worse in the time of Jereboam. We saw the remains of a pagan Jewish altar. Pagan because it was made with cut stone. Jewish because it had four horns. One interesting feature we saw later was the place the king would sit at the gate of the city to listen to the cases of the people. Davids son Absolom used that seat to undermine his father.

From there we did the short hop to the Banias waterfall.

Then we went on another short hike similar to the one we did earlier. What I didn't know at the time was that our destination was the other Banias site where all the idols are. Last time we took the bus from the one to the other. This time we walked. What was really cool is that we walked through a palace ruin of Herod Agrippa 2. Who was he? He was the Herod before whom Paul made his defense. We had a teaching at the site based on the passage where Jesus makes his confession. Again I heard things I don't like. Jesus did not ask the question he did ("Who do the people say that I am?") to learn something. God does not ask questions to gain information. He asked to make a point to us. Adam where are you? As if He didn't know. Why why why. I seem to be stepping from one false teaching to another.

Anyway. It's not all bad. We had lunch at the same place at the extinct volcano lake. $10 for a small snitchel pita and coke. Not cheap. I was so tired I bought it anyway. After lunch we took the trip back to the hotel. On the way we stopped at the lookout point into Syria below the listening post. We got back to the hotel early enough so that a swim was possible. It was very refreshing. Then off to supper and bed! Not an incredibly informative day but we sure did a lot of walking.

And that's all I have to say about that!

-- Post From My iPhone

1 comment:

Terri said...

Hi there
I am enjoying reading your blog, it is very interesting, wish I could be with you to share the experiences.
Thinking of you