Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I created this blog some time ago with no clear idea why I was starting a blog. The trouble with the internet these days is that any Dick, Tom or Harry can start a blog and spout whatever nonsense he or she wishes to, pretending that the world even cares.

Do I have something original to say? Probably not. As Solomon said "There is nothing new under the sun". Then why am I not closing this blog? That is a good question. The main reason is I wish to try a little experiment. I am going on a trip to Israel in just over a weeks time and would like to try my hand at a travel blog. Whether this will be on any use to anyone is a debatable point but at least my family will be able to keep up to date with my movements. Well thats if I can get the cell phone data or wi-fi access I need to blog each day. Who knows...

If I am able to keep up with the blogging while on holiday it may mean that there is a future for me in the blogosphere.

Other than that I might try out blogging as an avenue to preach. I currently have no place to preach and I am studying to be a preacher. So I need to practice. This may be as good a medium as any to get some training done!

If you are reading this I hope there will be something on this site for you. If not, there are many much better blogs on the web than mine. You can even try some of the ones I link to on this blog. But thanks for dropping by.

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